[Vwdiesel] Injection Pump testing ---( the fuel flow test )

Svend M Kjong svend at prcn.org
Sat Dec 31 14:49:49 EST 2005

.  So even
with exact same flow rate, the internal pressure could be remarkably less.
Yes, no?


Svend say affirmative  YES.

Here is the only two ways I know of.     Very low viscosity  or a  worn Orifice. ---No
problemo for you if you is the DIY  Andrew at Flagstaf. ----Use # 2 Diesel and change
outlet banjo bolt  ---if you want to be a perfectionist ..like  Gavrik Peterson. or Val
Christian. or Svend or Hagar.
All the bolts I got here are A OK  ---   Nothing affects this test other than --"  THE
Now should you run in to a pump with LOW flow   then we deal with that.

Simplest test I ever done ---remember I have a pressure gauge I can read while driving.
Orifice is about ------ 20 thou US. -----Idle ?     44 PSI  ? you have a good
ump.  ----say you have 20 PSI  ----we will deal with that later. ----Hillbilly TUNING
checklist will deal with what to do next.


PS :    that test owe its  Existence to condensate from this Forums Archives.

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