[Vwdiesel] '85 Jetta eating belts - solution

Shawn Wright swright at zuiko.sls.bc.ca
Thu Feb 3 09:56:21 EST 2005

On 2 Feb 2005 at 15:18, LBaird119 at aol.com <LBaird119 at aol.com> wrote:

>   After fixing mine I didn't think a couple mm would make much difference.  I
> was getting about a year out of a belt, about the same mileage as you and it was
> out a good 5mm, mostly on the idler/tensioner.  Guess a little bad is about as
> bad as really bad!

Sounds like you have A/C and/or P/S? Mine has neither of these. I guess time will tell 
if the re-alignment will help. I just know that I drove my old Jetta for 12 years and 
maybe did 3 belts total in that time (again no AC or PS), and never had one wear out 
as badly as this one. I'm guessing the deflection of the water pump pulley was the big 
problem - 2mm in such as short distance is a lot of deflection.
Shawn Wright
I.T. Manager
Shawnigan Lake School

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