[Vwdiesel] Re: radiator pressure testing

Justin and Chelly Bennett cjb at midrivers.com
Thu Feb 3 12:00:08 EST 2005

Fairly low pressure system.  Start with the exhaust from a shop vac, or 
the wife's vacuum if you can plumb a line from the exhaust outlet on 
it.  Another method would be to plug one of the outlets and then rig a 
long piece of pipe on the other end.  Then fill the radiator and the 
stand pipe.  This will give you a certain amount of pressure, depending 
on how much water you have in the standpipe.  One of the sharper minds 
on the list could probably dredge up a formula to calculate this.  Don't 
exceed the amount of psi that is called out for when doing a coolant 
system pressure check on the whole system.  I think it is around 15 psi, 
but don't qoute me on it as I haven't had my cup of morning caffeine and 
numbers are suspect. (so is spelling)

>Found a rad for my transporter and there's a dirty patch on one side and a
>bit of green, clogged with dust or something.  Want to pressure test it
>myself. Any ideas on what sort of pressure to use? Also, to clean it up a
>bit without damaging it, solvents? air? Any reliable methods?
>Thanks....  take care...

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