[Vwdiesel] Hypodermic Needles

Val Christian val at swamps.roc.ny.us
Sat Feb 5 10:55:58 EST 2005

From: Val Christian <val at swamps.roc.ny.us>
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Fuel Tank Sabotage!
To: vediesel at vwfans.com
Date: Sat, 5 Feb 2005 07:53:37 -0500 (EST)
In-Reply-To: <000a01c50b7d$ba56dec0$3e49e654 at karoliinldnw6d> from "rod welch" at Feb 05, 2005 02:25:01 PM

> make something up with WD40, alcohol and a use hypodermic... (ask your =
> vet
> for BIG old ones). Doorlocks defrost with a candle if they are not flush

In NY, the laws on needles and syringes changed, and it's now legal
to buy and have them.  

I just ask my doc (vet, etc) for what I'm looking for and slip them 
a couple of bucks.  I have this thing about using hypos which have
already been used, even if on a horse.  (A flying student of mine is a 
surgical vet, and gets awesome needles, and sometimes has cool little
titanium parts to give away.  Titanium makes a GREAT skid pad, if 
you like a shower of sparks.)

The most useful needles are the subcutaneous ones.  I go through about
3 a year adding oil to sealed bearings.  Easy to wreck a needle, because
they're fine.

Needles are sized with wire gauge sizes.  Yep a big #10 is really a 
small pipe.  #26 is what I recall using allot.

Finally, many needles come with retractable safety covers.  Good idea,  
as it helps protect the tip.  They can be a pain when trying to maneuver
to oil through a bearing seal lip.


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