[Vwdiesel] wiring issues

Shalyn Shourds sshourds at flash.net
Sat Feb 5 22:49:18 EST 2005

I got the '85 Jetta TD re-wired after that middle of the rainy night 
selenoid/wiring/smoke signal fiasco.  It works now, but I managed to 
just barely re-use the tubular female connector that goes in the harness 
that goes into the back of the fuse block.  I soldered it together, but 
I would have really liked to have replaced it.  I sure don't remember 
seeing anything like that in the Radio Shack.  Is that just a VW thing, 
or do I just need to start frequenting higher end electronics shops? 

As soon as I get a CV boot issue taken care of, that car will be in 
stable condition for a while, and as soon as the big box 'o parts 
arrives for the TDI, I'll be able to focus on that to see if I can wreck 
another head.  I have to give the loaner back in a week, so hopefully, 
it'll all be smooth sailing. 


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