[Vwdiesel] Beadblasting 101 # 1 ---( parts cleaning by blasting )
H . Hagar.
h_hagar at prcn.org
Sun Feb 6 15:08:24 EST 2005
If you are 14 or 16 now ? --- I envy you. -----By the time you are 73 you
will have a super blastcleaning outfit. ( I pray) (I pray that you live that long)
Now you got to start somewhere ---so my advice is to go to a place where it is done
and pay attention --be a spy. Drive the operater NUTS with questions.
Again ---again ---now is the time to start. I am born in 1932 and started blasting
in 1962 ------ like Loren using a Fridge Compressor. and an asortment of tanks.
1962 to 2005 ? how would you like to string those beads together ?.
Here is what you need to start with : Beads ---Air ----and a nozzle. ----start SMALL.
that will give you the hang of it.
Air is the most difficult to get and to get rid of DUST DUST and more DUST.
More in part # 2.
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