[Vwdiesel] Engine ID...DIY is best

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Fri Feb 11 00:14:08 EST 2005

If what I just read in a former post was true, then if
I had found star bolts, it would have been possible to
have 11mm bolts that have been replaced with
aftermarket star-type stretch bolts sometime in the
engine's past.  Luckily I found a hex-type bolt and
know what size it takes.

  That one post is the ONLY reference to such a bolt that I've ever heard 
of.  I'd NEVER use one IF it does exist.  Length is TOO critical on 
11mm bolt blocks.  Be DARN sure you clean those holes out well 
before bolting it back together or you'll crack the block.  Local 
mech-a-nic who claims to know VW's mentioned that EVERY 
early VW diesel he'd ever done a head gasket on had cracked!  
It took a lot to not call him an idiot then and there!  I was snagging 
a "scrap" head from him so that was more important!  ;-)  Seems 
like that head was better than the one I was working on!

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