[Vwdiesel] Low voltage GP's.. Linear resistance...?

Erik Lane erikjlane at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 13 19:56:14 EST 2005

I don't know a lot about electrics - most of it I've
taught myself.

But I would think that in order for you to be able to
put 20V on the glow plugs you'd have to put it in
series with the car battery, not parallel. And to put
it in serial would be more difficult than parallel.

Putting it on the bus in parallel shouldn't add
voltage, just amps available to the system, but of
course the resistance of the glow plugs should be the
limiting factor in the system, I think.

So it seems to me that you could have the batteries
attached to the glow plug bus at the lower voltage
without it being a problem as far as the rest of the
car was concerned. (Depending on how the GP relay is
wired. Hopefully the GP bus is not connected to the
rest of the car when the GP relay is not engaged.)

Was that very clear? Of course I could be wrong, but I
don't see how this time.

--- Mike & Coreen Smith <ve9aa at nbnet.nb.ca> wrote:

> Mike in NB...........tempted to try this myself, but
> I don't have a really
> good, big 6V battery to try.
> Best I could scrounge would be some old, tired, used
> 8V 2.3AH Lead acid
> batteries. (quite small) that I
> would be able to put in paralllel.
> You'd also need a relay to remove the GP's from the
> cars' main CCT as soon
> as the key was inserted in the ignition........who
> wants 20V on their GP's
> if you forget to unhook/disconnect your
> "preheaters".
> ;-)

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