[Vwdiesel] Low voltage GP's.. Linear resistance...?

Mark Shepherd mark at shepher.fsnet.co.uk
Sun Feb 13 20:13:08 EST 2005

Mike I'm sure the GP resistance is identical to the light
bulb and has a positive Coeff of resistance  else you'd get
runaway when they glowed [wouldn't it]?. So maybe half the
voltage would give you a 1/3 power at a guess...of course
there's the black body effect to to help.
If you took a supply from the battery (not the +ve terminal)
but dipped a wire into cell #3 you'd get the 6 volts you
required. Control with relays if you wish...
How do I know? ...When I worked in the African bush in my
youth I did this to enable me to recharge some torch
batteries without blowing them up...(8O?)

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