[Vwdiesel] glow plugs low voltage

Shawn Wright swright at zuiko.sls.bc.ca
Mon Feb 14 10:33:09 EST 2005

On 13 Feb 2005 at 22:20, Sandy Cameron <scameron at compmore.net> wrote:

> The Beru draws more current as the voltage is raised, more or less linearly,
> while the bosch, once the voltage gets to 6 or so, any increase in voltage is
> met by a decrease in current, keeping the wattage more or less constant above 6
> or 7 volts. As I increase the voltage, the current goes up for a moment, then
> drops back to slightly less than before. This is obviously the ballast trick we
> have recently read about on the bosch web site.

Sounds like you might have an older model Beru, which tops out at 11.5 volts 
mentioned in the PDF I posted earlier?
> markets, but it occurs to me there are tons of 5 volt, 20 amp and up
> computer power supplies lying around everywhere. I must have half a dozen.
> Bonus, there's usually a 12 volt section , that if adjustable, could be set to
> 13.6 volts for the most perfect regulated battery float charger you could ever
> ask for.  I would not suggest the power supply from a PC clone, as they are not
> usually adjustable, but supplies from larger computing equipment that are a glut
> even at junkyards, would do the job.

I have at least 20 of these sitting in a box at work, free for the cost of shipping if 
anyone wants to experiment. They are clone variety AT style from early Pentium 
models mostly. 

Shawn Wright
I.T. Manager
Shawnigan Lake School

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