[Vwdiesel] Glowplug used for preheating swirlchambers at 6 volts. (
it works )
H . Hagar.
h_hagar at prcn.org
Mon Feb 14 14:13:35 EST 2005
The basic principle is good. -- get the heat inside the swirlchamber --- the glowplug
is it.
My test is based on life formula saying that a very small reduction in voltage
results in a very very BIG increase in life.
Lets get back to the original problem --: Getting Mike Smith home on cold day
from the hospital ---without plugging in.
Remember this is what I call an OLD Rabbit. (Golf). Like Sandy Cameron I did only an experiment by adding a piece of fixture wire 14 Gauge copper. .Ringlug to # 4 Plug.
Two wires one for Indicator light on dash one for low voltage heating.
Now all we need to do is sort out max watts time and capacity of spare battery.
I say 45 watts pr plug will do a fine job if left on for say 4 hours. All the transformers and
puter supplyes is NOT appliccable to mike ------but is worth the time for some of us
with burned out blockheaters.(like me) 180 Watts for 4 hours ? is possible with
a Lead acid battery ---but for deep cycling a NiCad or Eddison battery is better.
Eddy ? Nickel -Steel. ------ Surplus Primary batteries are allso availble .Enormous capacity per pound.
But NOT practical. ..----sorry to tell you Mike Smith we are back to doing it according to
James Hansen -- Sandy Cameron --Val Christian and Hagar. With James on one side and Hagar on the other ? ---- Shit you would be in time for dinner every day.
But you would have to invite us to a Lobster feast.
PS : Note that this is ment for the case where we are right on the borderline start or no start.
Thank Val Christian if it works for you. ---------works for me --thanks Val.
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