[Vwdiesel] cycling glowplugs

Gerry Wolfe gjwolfe at telus.net
Mon Feb 14 16:23:15 EST 2005

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <SLATERSFB at aol.com>
To: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Monday, February 14, 2005 09:03
Subject: [Vwdiesel] cycling glowplugs

 Up until this year I had always used 15w40 fossil oil & start up below zero
degrees F was always dicey. This year I switched to 15w50 Mobil One. The
coldest it has been here so far is -12F & I had no problems starting either
vehicle. With fossil oil, the pick up never would have started; Jetta,
maybe. I know that where you are temps get much colder than this, but
synthetic oil's gotta help.
... Bob in NY
IMHO, viscosity of 15w40 fossil and 15w50 synth would be the same at low
temps (altho the synth prob'ly has the edge in ultimate low temp pour
Also, I think the Mobil 1 is primarily intended for use in a gasoline
engines, used to be about CD level for diesels.  If yer looking for a
superior diesel synth oil, you would prob'ly be better off with a 5w40 or
0w40 diesel oil from Rotella, Mobil (Delvac) or Amsoil or similar.
I personally found a pretty big difference in winter cranking speeds going
from Rotella 15w40 fossil to Rotella 5w40 semi-synth.
Just my $0.02Cdn...

rgds, g.

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