[Vwdiesel] glow plugs low voltage
H . Hagar.
h_hagar at prcn.org
Tue Feb 15 11:42:16 EST 2005
This would permit the use of a 6 volt, 20 amp transformer (120 watts) to
power the plugs with A/C.
These may be found by dumpster diving (a la Hagar), or ham radio flea
markets, but it occurs to me there are tons of 5 volt, 20 amp and up
computer power supplies lying around everywhere.
The Beru draws more current as the voltage is raised, more or less linearly,
while the bosch, once the voltage gets to 6 or so, any increase in voltage
is met by a decrease in current, keeping the wattage more or less constant
above 6 or 7 volts.
The Beru draws more current as the voltage is raised, more or less linearly,
while the bosch, once the voltage gets to 6 or so, any increase in voltage
is met by a decrease in current, keeping the wattage more or less constant
above 6 or 7 volts.
Sandy Cameron and ALL ------ at my feet two dumpster computer supplies
IBM P.N. 90X 9109 + 5.0V 27.25 A + 12.0 V 7.0 A - 12.0 V 0.39 A-
Nice looking they are all nickel ? plated ? Crunchy Carrots look out ---
(minus 10C) this morning ----Hagar is on the way.
Sandy would you reword the Watts part to agree with Mr.Ohms Law ? please. Volts go up
Watts go up IMHO. Temperature at tip of GSK2 (Bosch) levels and ballast resistor
starts heating up ---- and the heat goes there. ----Old plugs were a uniform heating element.
New plugs are two stage elements.
PS : I said it many times ---for OLD Rabbits you need 4 plugs firing and they better be BOSCH
when there is frost on the Carrots. And by the way MIKE in Lobster Land ( Brickland?) did you
advance the pump as I suggested ?. Be accurate , about two pencil lines.(Fine ballpoint say?)
There you go Val Christian ---at least you made a lot of members pay attention to glowplugs.
Hogwarts may have a job for you ?.
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