[Vwdiesel] Diesel rabbit wheels / tires

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Fri Feb 18 01:13:42 EST 2005

  You forgot to mention that your speedo will be out of whack.  That's if 
you run the rolling diameter up rather than matching the sidewall 
ratio decrease to the wheel diameter and size increase.
  I had a set of 205/60R13's on the front of the Rabbit once.  Same 
diameter as 155/80R13 and 175/70R13, more or less.  All I got was 
maybe a little heavier steering.  No better handling, no real change 
in ride.  Shockingly nearly the same as the 155/80's.
  Looks or tire availability mostly, project IMO, from that experience.  
(Fat tires came on the Jetta when I bought it so I did a month long 
swap, just to see.)

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