[Vwdiesel] Kyoto try two.

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Sun Feb 20 16:40:33 EST 2005

> >PS :   My advice to my American friends ---start right now NOW and 
> construct
> >special Bicycle lanes all over the country. And laws to make cars respect 
> that >traffic.

  We already have a lot of those in city/rural areas.  A few  problems with 
No tax revenue generated from the actual users, Distances tend to be a bit 
on the far side for much of the commute in this country.  I'd hate to 
biking it to Seattle and back for the day!  ;-)  Hard to carry much on a 
bicycle.  I'd have a darn hard time packing 100yds of carpet onto a 
Schwin!  :-D  Other catch is laws opposing "bigger theory".  I see a lot 
of it here where bicyclists have "run of the road" and cars are at fault if 
they run one over.  They cross intersections as a pedestrian or a vehicle, 
whichever suits their whim, pedal along at 15 to 20mph in a 45 lane and 
don't tend to "hug over" so you can pass.  There's a couple groups of 
"mom walkers" that go around here like that, 3 wide, with the "jogging 
strollers" and won't move aside.  Seems to be no law against that but 
it's bad for traffic, dangerous for them.

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