[Vwdiesel] Noicy Rabbit turbo ? ---(Loren you are correct)

Shirley, Mark R MarkRShirley at eaton.com
Mon Feb 21 08:50:33 EST 2005

>   Yup, I've wondered the same thing.  IMO the catch is 
> there's no need to 
> "cut" CO2 production.  For one thing it happens in the proper 
> oxidation 
> of most any carbon based molecule.  Would they rather have CO???
> Sure, some cuts can happen but the large cutbacks that Kyoto wanted 
> would harm the economy, cost a fortune and to what gain?  
> Plants convert
> CO2 back to C and O2 (of course at night plants even produce CO2).  
> If CO2 levels rise in the atmosphere plants should do better, thus 
> not bringing things back into equilibrium but MAINTAINGING it.  
> Same with a slight warming in temps in conjunction with a 
> rise in CO2, 
> if things would actually get that far out of balance (due to 
> CO2 only.)
>   Guess we could bottle it up and send it to Mars to start 
> terraforming 
> or would that be maraforming?  Store it, everybody plant an 
> acre of their 
> favorite green leafy plant or pour more concrete.  Concrete absorbs 
> huge amounts of CO2 when it cures I've been told.  According to some 
> Mars theory, warming the ground 40F would be enough to get a CO2 
> blanket operating there so maybe we could set up a bunch of hokey 
> rinks by freezing the ground here to absorb it!
>      Loren

CO2 control and the Kyoto treaty was a thinly veiled attempt to siphon money
out of the US economy and distribute to other countries.  Since every living
thing on earth produces the stuff, it's ridiculous to try and control it.

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