[Vwdiesel] Ecology & Politics

Shirley, Mark R MarkRShirley at eaton.com
Mon Feb 21 16:45:02 EST 2005

I thought Loren's assesment was right on target.  And I *DID* 
finish the entire article.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: SLATERSFB at aol.com [mailto:SLATERSFB at aol.com]
> Sent: Monday, February 21, 2005 4:31 PM
> To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
> Subject: [Vwdiesel] Ecology & Politics 
> Lots of things lose relevance when not completed.
> > http://www.commondreams.org/views04/1206-10.htm
> > 
>   Hmmm, we're supposed to take this as a serious environmental 
> article, information or opinion???
>   My first beef has to do with the presenter.  Mrs Streep 
> single handedly 
> put a LOT of farmers under or into years of heavy debt with 
> her unproven
> allegations about the orchard spray Alar. 
>   Unrelated to that though, he gets in what, two paragraphs before 
> most of the rest of his commentary on the environment becomes 
> a tirade on bashing the "religious right"?????  Sure that appeals to 
> the emotional part of the left, infuriates much of the right but has 
> no place in logical progression.  It's basically an opportunity to 
> express his distaste for a group of people, justifying it behind 
> environmental issues and taking that opportunity to "preach" his 
> own version of gospel.  
>   Honestly I only made it through about half of the "article" 
> since I'm 
> one, a slow reader and two, it lost relevance after just a 
> couple paragraphs 
> and showed no signs of getting back on track.
>   Anybody have a wiring diagram for an '86 Subaru 4X turbo?  I've got 
> a bad connection somewhere between the switch and the vacuum 
> valves it operates.
>     Loren
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