[Vwdiesel] Fw: Local News - Diesel exhaust's dangers high here (fwd)

gary gbangs at cfl.rr.com
Thu Feb 24 11:47:39 EST 2005

When this thread started, I did a quick search and found a Swedish study
that showed that gassers' emit just as many grams/mi of soot as diesels.
The particle size is just smaller. 

Now the conundrum... Smaller particles are more likely to penetrate
deeper into the lungs, causing more damage. Hello, McFly!

This same study raised the question of when gassers switch over to
direct injection. Apparently, gasser DI technology will cause these
engines to emit more soot, necessitating the need for particulate

We all know what happens when things are added to a gasser exhaust!



On Thu, 2005-02-24 at 09:24 -0500, Libbybapa at wmconnect.com wrote:
> In reading the whole article, note that diesel exhaust is not compared to 
> gasoline exhaust.  All of the negatives with diesel exhaust are also negatives 
> with gasoline.  Diesel is higher in particulate.  The particulate is less 
> harmful than many of the "non-visible" gasoline toxins.  Kind of like the 
> requirement in hospitals that any construction folks use odor-free mineral spirits.  
> It's just as toxic as high odor mineral spirits, but doesn't smell so people 
> don't know to get away.   Diesel exhaust is an easy target.
> Andrew 
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