[Vwdiesel] ECO Runaway!!

HWY9FERGS at cs.com HWY9FERGS at cs.com
Sun Feb 27 01:28:12 EST 2005

Well, I haven't piped up for a while, but it's time.  A few weeks back I 
managed to buy a 91 ECO Turbo Jetta from a little old lady.  It's in decently good 
shape with 125000 miles on it. Not bad for 1500 bucks.  I did have to do a 
head gasket on it (oil in the coolant) and replace the AC compressor(it was so 
loose it started to break up and almost fell off the engine).  Someone who 
didn't know what the hell they were doing was working on this poor thing. 
Note--when doing belts or even just belt tightening, REMEMBER TO TIGHTEN UP ALL THE 
BOLTS!!.  Anyway, it's mostly all better now.  One really nice thing is the hone 
marks were still showing in the cylinders.  However, after finishing and 
while driving it, I decided to put my foot in it a bit and "blow it out" some.  I 
was coming up on probably about 4000 rpm and all of a sudden it was like I put 
on the cruise control (it isn't so equipped by the way) and with a pretty 
horrendous clatter and an unfrickingbelievable cloud of bluegrey smoke behind me 
it was---whoa Nellie!!!!! Brakes Brakes Brakes and it finally settled down and 
I'm wondering if the damn engine is blown.  But wait, this is fine German 
engineering, squirters and all!  No problem, she's idling and running fine.  So I 
figure what the hell. Let's try it again.  Maybe it was just some oil in the 
intake and that it's all used up (by the way, I never did de-mate the 
manifolds during the head gasket R&R). Well, no such luck.  It took a little more RPM 
the next time but sure enough, it started running away again.  And one time 
after that, it did it again, only it was right in the middle of a shift from 3rd 
to 4th, so I had a major PITA time of it getting it to crunch into gear to 
keep it from over revving. Fortunately the tranny seemed to tolerate the abuse 
and I decided to "not push it" any more and parked the poor beast.  Here's my 
query for the list.  Where the heck do you think all that oil was coming from?  
I could probably just keep my foot out of it and not have that happening but 
from time to time I might want to get on it (to pass or whatever) and I sure 
as hell don't want that to be able to happen.  I suspect the KKK turbo might be 
the source (seals?).  My 85 Jetta TD with the Garrett has never done this. I 
seriously doubt the engine has enough blowby to be doing it.  Any experience 
with this sort of thing out there?  Kind of unsettling to have that kind of 
thing just waiting to happen.  And I have a nice freshly rebuilt Garrett I could 
put on there if I really have to.  Whatta ya think??? All input will be much 
appreciated.  Doug Ferguson 

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