[Vwdiesel] Metric crusade of Hagars. ---( metric and decimal willWIN )

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Sun Jan 2 13:51:43 EST 2005

Happy New Year all,
thanks from a lurker who's learned a bunch about diesels and human nature
from this group.
Gerry Wolfe

Love that Gerry Wolfe thread  --- why ?     it meshes in with my life experience.

27 of October 1945   was my birthday   ----and the family was all gathered
to celebrate. ---after all the WAR was won.

So my steph dad  wanted to show everybody how I had made a gun. ----more
like a shoulderfired cannon.

He asked me to go to my room and bring it ---So I figgered to fire the thing just with the primer.
I took a magnum charge instead by a mistake (NO BULLET)-.

Everybody was impressed   lots of OOH and AHHs  ----I did the woodwork and the Barrel
was done at Burmeister and Wain copenhagen  Biggest diesel outfit in the world,.
By uncle Olaf  (the commie)   ----BOPA  underground.

To show that this was NO toy   I decided to point it at the fireplace   and let go
a primer  ---that was a MAGNUM charge ---all hell broke loose the ladies
crying and all.    Yes it was one hell of a bang.

What followed was a family   gathering of ELDERS.  ---    decision was to ask me
destroy my Chemistry Set and take up  PHOTOGRAPHY.

They all put in money  ---and I got the works   Camera     films  Chemicals    frames
name it.      All the films and Chemicals was KODAK stuff the camera was an AGFA.

So what does this have to do with metrics ?   ----lots.

I was a DIY   even then    and to make Black Powder ?    ----I looked for the best
at that time it was Preusian ----so many parts Sulfur ,Saltpeter and Charcoal.

You guessed it I measured by volume not weight.    ----funny to look back at now.

But yes I progressed all the way to Nitro Glycerine  ----and now I am doing
Diesels.  ----I am getting a BANG out of that.

Did I do Ilford and Kodak  and the works ?    bet your ass  ----To have the girlfriend
in the DARK room ?  with that red bulb ?   exciting ?   more than that. Things
developed  ---getting the Picture ?-.


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