[Vwdiesel] body seal source

Shalyn Shourds sshourds at flash.net
Tue Jan 4 00:30:24 EST 2005

I don't have my A2 handy to check the profile match, but tonight a 
friend told me about a place called Steele Rubber that sells automotive weatherstripping 
by the foot.  I know it's dangling in my car and for some of y'all, it's 
gone.  I was really hoping to find some cheap door seal material for my 
old MB project.  Everyone wants more than $100 for one door seal.  I 
know it's a Benz, but it's just a few feet of extruded rubber for 
pessake!  I just thought I'd pass along that link if it's useful.  If 
anyone comes across anything else that's similar, let me know.   The 
Benz is almost vaguely roadworthy and it's the rainy season here. 


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