[Vwdiesel] Metric for beginners --- ( for Rabbit lovers mostly )

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Tue Jan 4 13:17:36 EST 2005

I write this mainly for my American friends with Rabbits.

If you are a fanatic DIY   ---like me ----  you need to know a little about the
metric system.

The thing that really gets my goat in Canada is the big box stores bringing
in 3.8 litre US gallons of stuff, and selling them as if they were still 4.5
litre Imperial gallons. I know we were metrificated by *spit* Trudeau, but
not fully, and I don't see it ever taking over in people's minds for a
couple of generations at least. Carpentry is certainly one where the metric
system was not ever instituted other than on paper with equivalent metric
measurements displayed.  Makes no sense to do so either...  most of our wood
products are made for the US market, and that's inches and feet.

I Hagar    holds James Hansen in high regards " As DOER and family man "    so
the fact that he is on the "RIGHT" and I am in "the middle"   ----well ?
we still talk to each other ?  ---that is optimistic in my mind.

I know we were metrificated by *spit* Trudeau, but
not fully, 

I Hagar say    IMHO     Pierre Elliott Trudeau   .   was the greatest LEADER
I ever  knew about in modern times.

Smarts ,Compassion,Vision, a world  leader class a one. ----I did NOT know that he got
us the metric system ---but IMHO that is one more notch in the bedpost.

Canada metric ?  a problem ? yes.    A metric Mouse with a Imperial Elephant next door.

Mark Shepherd   tell this forum about your money    ---the Quid the Pound the haypenny.

I went to a school of higher learning in the UK   ----I take the bus (loved those double
deckers)   -----give the conductor a Quid ?    ---   half an hour later I still
did not know if I got the right change.

Now with the Rabbit    I can tell you all in no time flat    how many Kg  of fuel
is in the tank   how many hektoliter   how many cubic centimeter   --
And I do not need a Sliderule ,Abacus,Table or Computer.     That is the   POWER
of Metric.

Metric is perfect ?  ---not at all   BUT is   the best we got ----like English
is the best we got .   Is english perfect ?   ---got you.

I shall write more about Metric for our American friends later.
WHY ?   I owe so much to my American friends.

Hagar.   the metric NUT.

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