[Vwdiesel] Parts interchangeability on A2's GOLF/JETTA

Kenneth E. Oldrid koldrid at uvm.edu
Sun Jan 16 11:12:19 EST 2005

Most if not all of those parts will be interchangeable between the 2.
I put the headlamps and grill from an 88 jetta (large rectangle) on my 86 golf,
which had the dinky square light. You also need the support behind those, which
accepts the different size headlamps.
I wonder if the rear doors are different? Don't know either way on that.
blower motor might be different if 1 car has AC and the other doesn't.

> Are most parts (except the trunk/rear quarters) swappable between an 86 Golf
> and a 88/91/92 Jetta (Gasserdiesel 1.6L TD Frankenjetta) ?
> I am interested in some parts from my nephews 88/91/92 Jetta (he wrecked
> it...rolled...enough not to put it back on the road)
> Mostly stuff like:
> Door handles
> Trunk lock
> Tach/Alternator
> Heater core/blower motor (might not need this...have a "hopefully good one"
> enroute)
> Seats
> Headlights (a maybe....he's got the larger square lights on the Frankenjetta
> I think)
> doors (both cars are 4 doors.......)
> Mike, Coreen & Corey Smith
> 699 Rte 616 Keswick Ridge
> NB
> Canada
> E6L 1T1
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