[Vwdiesel] Bad Glowplugs.

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Sun Jan 16 20:03:33 EST 2005

  You could read at night by the glow of the 
Bosch plugs that replaced them.

Andrew are you a fast reader ?   ---Let us know how you tested  continuity.

Digital meters are no good  ---   10 megs ?   a      bit of carbon will show.

What type of plugs were they ?.     All information will help me sort out
why we have so many failing plugs.      And I promise to condence findings under Glowplugs.

So far BOSCH has been very helpfull.    ----takes a master bullshitter to get the real stuff
Just like I did on the injection pumps.


PS :    And now Finland has problems -----Rod Welch
Finland    No such town on my map  ---what is the closest bigger town ?.

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