[Vwdiesel] Alternator question
Sandy Cameron
scameron at compmore.net
Mon Jan 17 20:26:15 EST 2005
At 03:37 PM 17/01/05 -0800, you wrote:
>I have an 86 Diesel Jetta with AC that has a bad
>alternator. Replacement is $180 at the FLAPS. I'd
>like to try and fix it buy replacing the brushes but
>am confused on what I need. Are the brushes on the
>voltage regulator so I should replace that unit or is
>there another set of brushes in the alternator called
>the alternator brush assembly or does the assembly go
>with the voltage regulator? Thanks for any and all
>help. Kevin
You will have the 90 amp alternator mounted high and driven by its own teeny
belt off the A/C compressor pulley.
The first thing to check is the alternator belt. It's almost always loose
and shouild be checked 2 or 3 times a year. The alternator is firmly bolted
in position, and the belt is tightened by a belt idler below and in front of
the alternator. It is a terrible thing to adjust,
You loosen the nut that clamps the idler stud in to the slot on the bracket,
just a little so it can move.
Then, get ready to skin your knuckles as you adjust the tensioning bolt
who's head is between the bracket and the radiator, about an inch clearance.
This is where one of those new ratchet box-ends would be handy.
Turning it clockwise tightens the belt.
Then be sure to tighten the locking nut on the stud.
The regulator, including the brushes is held in by 2 screws, which on an old
alternator, are likely seized. Apply squirrel juice a day or 2 before trying
to remove.
If you get lucky (use an impact screwdriver, gentley), the rgulator tips
right out of the alternator, the brush holder is on the back of it. new ones
would stick out 13mm. If less than 6mm, they should be replaced.
If you:
A..Are lucky enough to be able to get replacements.
B carefully clean the solder off the place where the pigtails are secured.
C...Under the solder, the pigtails are crimped too. You have to use a dental
pic and open them up...or...
d...you can do what I do, cut the crimp off with a dremmel tool.
As you do this, the spring behind the brush will try to fire the brush
across the room, and make its own escape at the same time. Do the uncrimping
with the brushes buried in a rag to catch everything.
As they always say (cheerfull bastards) replacement is reverse of removal.
When soldering, try not to let solder wick its way down the pigtail as it
will stiffen it and ruin it.
When putting it back into the alternator, tip it in so the brushes compress
into the holders without catching on the edges of the slip rings, or they
might break. You can tell by the feel.
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