[Vwdiesel] Limping, cold and ham radio

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Wed Jan 19 12:54:37 EST 2005

I Hagar ----  like this Val Christian tale as well .   I was  (is?)    OZ8YM    YM ?   Young Man. 

1945 ?   I was ALL Radio Ham   now ?   I am ALL Rabbit diesel.

Then in 1953 I became a flyboy    ----   I see that Pat Dolan is a flyboy too.

Those  3   diciplines    are great companions.     ---- OHMs Law and   E6B   and
and soaring with Eagles.

And the JOY  of getting a Rabbit going at   minus 40 C   -----?    now that takes
a lot of KNOW HOW.

I have fuel samples here that  solidify  at   32 F .  and one sample that will never solidify in
my freezers. ( SHELL    dogpiss)     Sold to me as # 2  Diesel .

Why  use Kerosene rather than gasoline ?     ----CETANE number.     Kerosene
is a good  high Cetane fuel    ----but    add lots of lubeoil.(for pump and injectors)

I drove on pure Kerosene and Aviation lubeoil for a long time.    Diesel Rabbit ---
she never sounded better  ---- but it stinks.    Why did I do it ?    to get rid of
Kerosene and AV oil   ---they were both getting too old.     --- so what better way ?

Talking about Kerosene heaters ?    ---in 1957   I was using  Catalytic  heaters.
They were great but expensive.   Anyone remember those ? .     In a Rabbit
stuck in a snowdrift  for 3 days ?    great thing to have.  ---  3000 or 4000 BTU.
That is about a 1000 watt heater.----  in a Rabbit    ? not bad.   I should have stolen ?
taken one for free storage ?   --- how would I know then  the price in 2005 of Platinum
would go sky high ?.


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