[Vwdiesel] Cold starting with bad compression --- no offense intended!

Gerry Wolfe gjwolfe at telus.net
Thu Jan 20 15:46:16 EST 2005

Hagar, hope I didn't get your dander up on this one, that was not my intent.
If I upset you, please accept my apologies.

I should have been more specific -- extended oil change is a function of
bypass filtering, not necessarily blotter testing (altho I do have some
truck-driving buddies who only do oil changes when the analysis says it is

Always enjoyed the info and insight shown in this newsgroup and hope that
folks like yourself and Val etc. keep the wisdom coming.

rgds, g.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "H . Hagar." <h_hagar at prcn.org>
To: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2005 12:37
Subject: [Vwdiesel] Cold starting with bad compression ---( Plus

Filter should be changed with each oil change.  Stick with the OEM quality
filters (Bosch, Mann, Mahle) and avoid the junk (Fram etc.).  There have
also been discussion threads regarding bypass filters and Hagar's famous
Hillbilly Blotter Testing resulting in REALLY long oil change periods, but
I'm not gonna open this one again <snicker> but he just did!!! </snicker>.
Gerry Wolfe

I Hagar say   I never   did   .

I and Val Christian   have done a lot to pass a HELL OF A LOT OF EXPERIENCE
to people like you.

FREE of charge.      Remember this is becomming part of Archives    ---and I
want to make sure
newbies get the correct version of     The Blottertest    and Val Christians
and my version of
Management of lubrication of Old Rabbits.     My last entry about blotter
was   to inform you
guys that soot loading decreased     ---   so much that I had trouble adjust
to it. I am running
a 1984  1.6L  Turbo Rabbit  ----in super lean .   Why is that important ?
Let me qoute  ESSO .
Q :   Soot in your lube is like sandpaper in suspension.    end of  Q.

All of you who are not  familiar with blotter testing  ----Read it before

Never did it recommend long oilchange periods.   CONTRARY .   The main
for test was to catch problems in your engine  early---not to test oil.


PS : If you consider    ESSO and    MobilExxon     Hillbillies   you are
right  it is a hillbilly
test -----that is where I got it.    ---Is that Heat in Nanaimo getting you
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