[Vwdiesel] Cold starting with bad compression

Shalyn Shourds sshourds at flash.net
Thu Jan 20 23:35:53 EST 2005

>  Sounds like time for some BIG battery cables!  Go to your local speed 
>shop or parts store.  You either want some hi-tork type racing cables or 
>6V size.  About 1ga.  At least do the positive side.  You won't believe the 
>     Loren

I got mine at the local tractor supply.  It was pretty cool how much 
faster it turned over.  Granted, not much needed in these fierce 
Dallas/Ft. Worth winters, but sometimes it's not how much you need 
it--it's how good it makes you feel. I replaced the broken and pumy 
alternator-to-starter line at the same time. 


'85 Jetta TD--with super-boosted power lines

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