[Vwdiesel] OT: remote diagnosis

Shalyn Shourds sshourds at flash.net
Sat Jan 22 21:49:21 EST 2005

Val Christian wrote:

>Black paint works on lots of things, but it will raise the emmisivity
>above 0.95, which is the default for the consumer devices.  Most of 
>the time, it's just not a factor.  
>I could do the calculations, but I suspect that the measured temp
>of an Al cylinder head would not be more than just a couple of
>degrees off from the measurement of a black coolant hose.  Therefore
>for most applications having a fixed e is just fine. 

I see a new project for the fancy adjustable emissivity IR gun in the 
lab Monday morning....  Good thing the boss drives a TDI, too. 


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