[Vwdiesel] dipstick coming up

Sandy Cameron scameron at compmore.net
Sun Jan 23 22:35:10 EST 2005

At 09:14 PM 23/01/05 -0500, you wrote:
>New VW diesel game...mount a 2" pipe from oil filler cap, through the 
>hood of the car, with a 90 degree bend to the front of the car.  Prior
>to driving, insert a firm, uncooked potato. 

Couple years ago a friend bagged a deer with his 90 jetta, (diesel, of
course) and it jammed the hood so it wouldn't open.
Not in a hurry to repair it, but concerned for the welfare of the engine,
he asked me for the co-ordinates of the dipstick and oil filler.
He plotted these on the hood, and with a power hacksaw, cut hatches over
each, which allowed him to operate most of the summer while we scouted
cheap/free hoods and headlight bulkheads.

I should have kept the hood and hung it on the shop wall as abstract art.


I suppose if he had a lifting dipstick, he would have been able to watch it
(like the gas guage on a piper cub) and know when to re-ring.

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