[Vwdiesel] Return of the Caddy

Shalyn Shourds sshourds at flash.net
Mon Jan 24 00:27:53 EST 2005

Well, my friend just got back into town today with the Caddy.  Turns out 
that it was a test of epic endurance.  The truck he was going to borrow 
kept stalling out, so believe it or not, he took the RAV4.  His average 
speed was 45 mph all the way across 4 states.  I absolutely cannot 
believe that he made it, or was even insane enough to try, but I guess 
God does watch over babes, fools, and ships named Enterprise.  I'll let 
you decide which applies.  So, I guess that's a datapoint for you.  If 
you're not in any kind of hurry, don't mind barely being able to stop, 
and don't care if semi's are blowing by you 30 mph faster than you are 
going and blaring their horns at you in a fury, you can take a 2.0 liter 
mini-SUV and tow an A1 VW 800 miles. 

For my money, I'll rent a truck.  Heck, I would have given him the money 
if I'd known.  And, for the record, this was not my fault.  I spent time 
and found  him a good deal on a rented truck, but I guess all's well 
(but scary) that ends well.  I guess. 


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