[Vwdiesel] was: insulating your fuel filter ...

Derek weasel1 at sympatico.ca
Mon Jan 24 09:47:03 EST 2005

" The A2 bodies have a water seperator where the gasser's fuel pump
 is, near the RR wheel.  Even the dealer didn't know it existed on mine."

Only one problem, I have and A3 :-)

>     Finally, I've never had to try it, but Power Kleen makes a product
> called "Diesel 911," in a red quart jug.  It's advertised as an
> instant melt for gelled fuel.  I suspect that it's mostly alcohol,
> which isn't great for your engine, but it claims that it will get you
> home.

I have been looking for this stuff since I started to have my problem.  No
one around me sells it.  That includes truckstops and the regular mom and
pop gas stations.  Its Power Service, btw.

>     Dicey fuel will make an engine run funny and rob power, but
> shouldn't kill it completely unless it's mostly water.  Have you ruled
> out cracks in fuel lines letting air in?

I think I have pretty much ruled out air bubbles.  It will idle fine and if
left in a heated garage, it will run absolutely perfect.  The question is
how cold is it and how long you can nurse it.  It will develop a hiccup and
then keep going.  Then suddenly there are more hiccups, you can't apply the
go pedal more than 1/8th of the way down without the engine starving and
dying.  If you let it go to far, it will die.  These are the exactly the
same symptoms I have experienced when I was running WVO and trying to run it
in the cold.  I did look in my ETKA and found that there is a check valve in
both the supply line and return line, near the tank.   Maybe one of those
froze up ?  I never even knew that they were there.  I'll try to find them
today and check them out.

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