[Vwdiesel] was: insulating your fuel filter ...

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Mon Jan 24 11:43:05 EST 2005

" The A2 bodies have a water seperator where the gasser's fuel pump
is, near the RR wheel.  Even the dealer didn't know it existed on mine."

Only one problem, I have and A3 :-)

  Then I take it the A3 DOESN'T have one?  I stated A2 bodies since I know 
they do.  Don't know for sure about A3 since we don't have any A3 diesels 
until the TDI.  Sure tends to sound like ice or air.  My Rabbit started 
freezing up at lower temps and it was an air leak.  No fuel leaking but 
I was able to tighten the clamp and fixed it for at least 20F lower temps.
Bubbly fuel line was what let me diagnose and find the problem.

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