[Vwdiesel] Gelling update

Derek weasel1 at sympatico.ca
Tue Jan 25 21:29:20 EST 2005

Well after the fuel and fuel filter change, she did it again !  Fine yesterday, but I went to go for a long drive ( to meet my wife ) and started to sputter.  Fortunately it was still driveable and  was near a truckstop.  Couldn't find Diesel 911, but they had FPPF's Meltdown.  Threw in slightly more than the recommended dose, called the wife and headed home.  Damned thing was suddenly fine.  Got home called the wife again and told her that we were still going to meet, but I was running late.  On the way it gave me only one burp, then it was fine.  Drove for an hour to meet her, drove for an hour home and everything was perfect.  Even tried some high speed sprints ( 165 :-)  !!!  )  Old girl still has it in her.  By the way, don't speed, it can be bad for your health.  I'll try for a little trip if I can tomorrow, but I think its all thawed out now.  Maybe the in-tank screen was plugged a bit ?  Tel you one thing, if I get the chance this weekend, I am going in the tank and having a look to see if there is one there, if there is, its gone forever ...

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