[Vwdiesel] OT ? ---- ( what does it mean ? --really ? ).

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Thu Jan 27 12:57:21 EST 2005

Today is 27 jan 2005    (my first LOVES birthday)  Karen Jensen   - and cute she was.
I haver never gone OT  --in archives till today .
It was interesting (at least to me).        If I could only write like Scott Kair  ---I would
be good for a fair bit,.

James Hansen  mentioned  those awfull injectors  ---slide hammer jobs and I looked
at the 40 or more sitting in a rack here in front of me. (5,7 GM V8).. After doing a few pencil
injectors ?  ---the BOSCH   Rabbit injectors are pure pleasure --FUN   -- absolutely
super duper.    

I do have a few GM  injectors for  5.7 V8   ---threaded  ----but I never rebuild one.
They are so small ---that they are like a big glowplug.    

What better bithday present for my cutie than the liberation of  that horrible
consentration camp ?

As to the starter solenoids ?    ---clean them and spray with   "Molykote"  G-rapid    spray.
or eq.        A special low temp  Silicon grease or oil may do it.

How did I learn about this ?  -----  in northern  Maine   during a major snowstorm and freeze up
Yes I was on the ass of a trophy buck  ---- . First I got my feet wet falling through the ice
on the St.Johns river .   NYLON socks ?    try to dry them ?    shit they melted.
Gumboots and bare feet in winter ?   Lee Enfield 303    lots of ammo  Map   Compass
and tons of matches . What could go wrong ?   ---nothing right ?

Nothing but everything.

First I walked in to a swamp --then the matches got wet  --then the gun would not
fire   ---like the solenoid ---oil will do it every time.  ---   When I did not show up for
work in the morning ?   ---my workmates arranged  for a search party --thanks guys ---

They drove me back to town in a Landrover  ----Management gave them the ok for
chains on all four wheels.   ---      By the way I had NO feelings from the hip down.

A Canadian made black leather jacket with  Lamb skin lining saved my life.    But
did I sit there all night saying ---there is no GOD ?   ---while I was freezing to death ?

Equipment ?   303  British  lots of ammo. Map   Swedish   Silva compass     Super max
EB Eddy  matches    BIG BIG box.----- they got wet during the night by the fire,

My advice ?   to you ALL driving in snowstorms ---Down filled sleeping bags. ---make sure you
have then in the car. ---I am listening to CNN right now   . A  young couple froze to death in a car in a sandpit ?   --NO EXCUSE.  ---a Taxi driver freezing to death in a Cab ?   NO EXCUSE.

There you go    ---HAGAR said get that bag in the car.    -----Mine ? a Polar bag
top of the line.      If you have kids ?    ----Please do not ignore.

How did Hagar survive ?     --- by information from forums like this.    Flyboys ? do
you need a shute ? YES    (I used two)   Boating do you need flotation ?    YES.

I carry at least ten CONDOMS   ---XXL   in the water ?   I blow them up tie a knot
and stuff them inside my shirt.  ----does it work ?     just ask me.

For survival ?    carry dogfood   canned in car   and a Sleeping bag  ---and you will not die.

Rover is ok   ---BUT my choice it Peddigree..     Think about it for a minute
and you will see WHY it has to be DOG FOOD.


PS :    No it is not for the DOG.

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