[Vwdiesel] Success ! Heater Core etc. 86 Golf (rambling of a NB-er)

Val Christian val at swamps.roc.ny.us
Thu Jan 27 20:45:10 EST 2005

I hate to say it, but you'll probably have a few more maintenance 
challenges in the next year.

On glowplugs...I've used NGK, Champion, Beru, Bosch, and the no-names
that J C Whitney sells (I'm told they're Hella).  They all work.
I don't have accurate enough data to say that one brand, in a particular 
style of plug, works better than another.  At $7/plug, I'd probably
just do what you did.  Honest.

On the possibility of breaking GPs.  If you break it, and the cylinder
is still sealed, you're OK.  I wrote about it earlier, but I broke a 
#2 gp and ran the car in summer and upstate NY winters for several years
and almost 200K miles before pulling the head and getting the stub out.
When it was on the car, I tried ezouts, levered with tire spoons, and 
turned by wrenches to get the GP out.  Then I decided to give up, because
if I broke it more, the head would come off.  Not $1000, but probably
$150 and two afternoons of work.

Penetrating oil, shock, maybe even a small tip on the torch.  I'd
probably try the candle wax trick after some PBblaster or LetGo.
Before turning, tell your car it'll get 2000 mile oil and filter
changes if it just gives up this glowplug.


> Well guys, after many hours of cursing, swearing, blood, sweat n' tears I
> have heat in the $100 Golf !
> (Bondo Golfy.......nicknamed after Hagars Bunny Bondo.)  What a job to get
> that Texas heatercore in there.
> My 10 gallon (45.5Liter?) hat is off to you sir ! (bows & tips hat towards
> Texas)
> My garage bill after all said and done was $1200+$100 for the
> car+blood/sweat/tears+misc parts$100 equals a $1400 car that I'll
> (hopefully) get a year or more out of.   $116/month (for only a year)car
> payment is not bad if I don't have any more breakdowns.
> The windows still get a tiny bit misty, but I'm hoping that's just
> antifreeze residue I wasn't able to get completely out of the heater box..
> (and not a fresh leak-guh!).....there was 20 years worth of leaves and crud
> in there and I got 90% out, but there was still antifreeze slime in the
> corners I couldn't get.  I never cracked the box open, nor removed it from
> the car. (cables still attached etc.)
> This sucker blows real nice heat !
> I bought an NGK glowplug (I know I know...should've bought Bosch) for $7.00
> today to replace the one that's blown, but I'll be darned if I can get the
> old one to turn.  Ideas?  After all this work, I'd hate to snap it
> off......that would be a $1000 mistake I'm sure.
> I also replaced the tired #2AWG positive cable from the battery to the
> starter with a nice #1AWG.
> I also replaced the fresh 15w40 with 5w30 synthetic........some said it
> would really help with cold starts.(?)
> There are still various quirks and repairs/upgrades to perform,(like I need
> a radio) but I THINK I am on the road. In about 1-2 months I think I could
> call it a daily driver..........just too cold here  to be reliable right
> now..... I never plugged it in tonight and will see if it starts @ -20*C
> with 3 GP's running....I'm really doubting it. Even with fresh battery
> cable, charged battery and synthetic oil.
> I doubt it'll start in -25*C->> -30*C temps which we'll see in
> Feb.........in fact I'm nearly sure of it.  I wonder.......if I took it to
> work, how much fuel would it burn if I just idled it all day?  Or maybe I
> could do like a coworker used to do (he had 3 rabbits and a Golf) ..IE: go
> out every 2-3 hours and run it for 10 minutes.
> Very tired Mike in NB..........now I have my other 2 daily drivers to fix
> up........it never ends does it?
> Mike, Coreen & Corey Smith
> 699 Rte 616 Keswick Ridge
> NB
> Canada
> E6L 1T1
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