[Vwdiesel] Starting a cccccold Rabbit ---( Mike Smith Bondo Golfy).

James Hansen jhsg at sasktel.net
Sun Jan 30 02:52:21 EST 2005

The very biggest deal for Mike is to get that one glow plug that is dead and
stuck replaced.  The smoke will be a tiny fraction of what it is now.  When
you crank and crank, it loads up with fuel, then you burn it off sort of,
and resultant cloud fills the air.
I can't say enough how important it is to have all four gp's running.

And Mike, if you are on three gp's, and the temp drops while at work, defeat
the plugs and use ether rather than running the battery down.  Teeny tiny
shot is all it takes. Don't blow the damn thing up, but it will start and if
you only use a tiny bit, there is absolutely no harm at all. I've used
everything from a camp stove to a hair dryer to start these cars in -40 and
worse.    Chance of a deere or dog pulling the cord off the block heater
connection is directly proportional to decrease in temperature.  camp stove
on the pan for fifteen minutes with the hood closed, stuff a hair dryer into
the intake, and start the car at any temp with any oil. :-)


-----Original Message-----
From: vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com [mailto:vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com]On
Behalf Of LBaird119 at aol.com
Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2005 8:08 PM
To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Starting a cccccold Rabbit ---( Mike Smith Bondo

There is LOTS and LOTS of smoke on start up.  Much worse than my old 88
Jetta TD.  Smoke is mostly blue.  I am presuming bad rings?  Possibly

  Depends.  Smell of that smoke will tell you more than the color.  Could
be valve stem seals, rings or injectors.  If it smells like burned oil, then
you eliminate injectors.  If it smells like being behind a truck

down a hill, then it's probably injectors.

> Also, I note that when I am accelerating down the highway and reach near
> maximum revs in any gears, the car seems to "bog down" and lose quite a
> of power.

   Injectors, timing, dirty air or fuel filter or clogged exhaust.  I lean
exhaust or injectors first, assuming you've probably done new fuel and
air filters.
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