[Vwdiesel] Pre-filters

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Mon Jan 31 10:04:58 EST 2005

Hi Hagar,

Do you use the oil burner filter mount too or is the filter the same as some
automotive oil filter thread?


I Hagar     use filter and holder . Element   is Kralinator and is green.    .Handy
easy to get and cheap.   I have algae infected  tanks.     Storage tanks.
And for a pesticide I now use Biobar JF.

Warning :   Do NOT use as main filter on a Rabbit.


PS:    The threads are the PITA.   ask James Hansen.       -----Diameter of rubber gasket
and threads are all over the Canola fields.

No harm in trying to find a car filter holder to fit.   OR    do like Sandy Cameron
use a cheap   car filter.  I have some of them going  and   Hydraulic filters.

Furnace tank filter was the best.   IMHO.

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