[Vwdiesel] What is the candle wax GP extraction trick ?

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Mon Jan 31 13:33:06 EST 2005

    No limits, Jonathan? he thought. Well, then, the time's  not  distant
when I'm going to appear out of thin air on your beach,  and  show  you  a
thing or two about flying!
     And though he  tried  to  look  properly  severe  for  his  students,
Fletcher Seagull suddenly saw them all as they really  were,  just  for  a
moment, and he more than liked, he loved what he saw. No limits, Jonathan?
he thought, and he smiled. His race to learn had begun.

Bach  wrote above  ---   BUT     it applies in here as well.     So   Mike  you see ?
T the end you have to do it.

Two things scare me    Headbolts and stuck Glowplug.   I just did # 4   and with no
threadlube  ---  it was a tightie.       So I did my usual hokus pokus aka kadabra
wawing my Wamd    praying on my knees  ----the local shamon   withdoctor was
getting drunk at the local watering hole. ----IT WAS TIGHT .   I made it.  Ask people
where  the plugs break ----Val Christian should know.

I would start with max tourque  plus 50 %    light tapping and Light heat and icecubes.

What worries me about you is the crowbar and the BIG hammer  the other day.
Brute force is bad   ---- force and  procedure is better. -------I will remove all mine and put
Ever Sleeze on before it is too late.   Get a higly skilled Mechanic  help you ----
A 24 of beer should do it. Some of them have a feel for the yieldpoint of the metal.
Use the the most nasty penetrating oil you can get ----NOT    WD 40.

A   Falcon pipette is ideal     ---I use them for everyting       It is a small plastic disposeable
thing,     At times I use Acids and Causticks to free up things,      

Give the mechanic an old plug  to take apart   He will then  strip it and get an idea of the type of steel.
And how thick.    . I am doing on right now. øøøø   I just got back up         Torquewrench used
Plug stripped   (sheared)        Medium soft metal    like a tube   OD  390  thou inch
wall  55 thou.     sheared at about 50 foot pounds.   use 12 mm socket.  6 point if you have.


PS :    My prefilters are Kralinator   F 132      or   Purolator    PER 103     F 50103.
I advice Rabbit guys to try and install a 1 micron   spin on as main filter.  F 132  is a 10.

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