[Vwdiesel] What is the candle wax GP extraction trick ?

dieseltdi at verizon.net dieseltdi at verizon.net
Mon Jan 31 20:07:46 EST 2005

Best stuff I have ever used is called PBlaster.  I now use it 
exclusively to loosen rusted parts.  My neighbor has a Saturn and he 
couldn't get the left front brake disc off of the car no matter how 
much he pounded on it with a 4 lb sledge hammer, it was rust welded on 
the car.  He added all kinds of oils and even tried heating but it 
would not come off.  I went over, we soaked it with PBlaster and let is 
sit for 15 minutes.  One hit with the hammer and it came off.  
Excellent stuff if you can find it.  I get mine at Pep Boys.  Hayden
On Jan 31, 2005, at 6:56 PM, Lee Hillsgrove wrote:

>>   Kroil is the penetrant I've found to be quite impressive.
>   Kroil is good stuff, to be sure, but the absolute best stuff I have 
> ever
> run across was a tapping lubricant made by Winbro and called "Tapfree".
> Absolutely amazing results on the most depressingly rusted or stuck
> fasteners. It worked excellent in dissolving carbon buildups, as well, 
> like
> you'd find around spark plugs, glow plugs, or injectors. We used to 
> get the
> stuff by the case at my previous employer and it came in pint metal 
> cans
> with a spout. I think you could also buy it by the 5 gallon can. It 
> worked
> wonders for tapping and machining, and evaporated quickly, leaving no
> residue.
>  Unfortunately, what probably made it work so well was also it's 
> demise -
> one of the ingredients was 1,1,1, Trichloroethane. The powers that be 
> have
> decreed that 1,1,1 is BAD STUFF and you can't buy it any more. I don't 
> know,
> the benefit vs risk in having a pint can containing only a percentage 
> of the
> stuff and that lasts you 6 months or a year compared to the busted 
> knuckles,
> swearing, and snapped taps and bolts you'd get otherwise? Doesn't seem
> right.
>  I have only one or two cans left of the supply I smuggled out when I 
> heard
> we couldn't get it any more. I don't know what I'll do when that is 
> gone.
> Bust stuff, I guess. If anyone is at a yard sale and sees a can of the
> stuff, GET IT!
>  Tapfree.... Now I'm in a bad mood. :-((
> Lee
> Oo-v-oO
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