[Vwdiesel] Metrics for beginners ---- ( The Mixups and disasters )

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Fri Jul 1 14:50:48 EDT 2005

Oliver R. Smoot  ???   interesting paper.

My Professor and Mentor   Doyt W Echelberger  -----came forward ones more.

I am on a METRIC crusade ---BUT   remember I said you cant argue with

So we will have a MIX of Standards for some time to come---  IMHO.

ANSI   -? yes  ----- DS (Danish Standards) yes .----and (und)  Metric ?  ABSOLUTELY.

Must be painful for Bush to have to ask the Frenchy for permission to
go down in that basement in Paris France ---to use the Platinum Rod ---the METER.
I would have made the ROD from quartz.

You like VW diesels ?  ------well you better get a handle on METRIC system.

Downstairs I got a MESS of drills and taps and sockets ---why ?  ---- short sighted  rulers.

If everything down there --was metric ?  ---piece of Apple Pie.    and a Liter of Cider.

Right and Left hand Twist drills.---------  Numbered drills ? Jah  from 1 - to - 80
Lettered drills ?  --Jah  ---A - to - Z ------ and thousands of   1/64 to inches US drills.
If all my drills were metric ?    no need for the markings --just use a Machinist
Caliper.Mine is a Japanese ---" Mitutoyo" ---great instrument. Would still be in
pristine condition ---had I not measured the terminal across a NiCad battery.  That is
what Cider does.-----Like Loren dropping a rail on his foot FOOT ---I laughed at my stupidity.

About Standards ? yes I still use S.A.E    and AISI ----and so on. Lets get rid of
the crap like a foot --an ear ---a chain --- a bushel --and a peg. --Keep the Dram.
A C-hair is ok ---with me. Used a lot in Hillbilly TUNING --of Rabbits.---metrics will not do.

To be relevant in the world ?   --and compete commercially ?   ---My American Friends
go METRIC -NOW.     ---- Hagar is a Evangelist Metric  --preacher ? ----I saw the 
promissed land of Measurements -----And I am NOT going back.  SO YES.

Of course I can do 3X3X3 =27 -----BUT it will not do.    ALL NEW Aicrafts are Metric----
Boeing and Airbus --- and that means liters or Kg ---or  more of fuel.   ALL cars of the
future ? --yah METRIC.  -----Read about the " GIMLI GLIDER "     nice tale ----because
it had a happy ending. -----God was his Co-Pilot.

Just pure luck IMHO  ---some stories say that it is NOT clear who is responsible
for fuel on board ?  ----let me set that straight ---THE CAPTAIN --is responsible for
everything.       ---- He in turn can blame  someone else.   The LAW is clear
the Captain is responsible. And this Captain screwed up BIG. IMHO.

Today here is Canada Day  (138 years)    so it is an extra Cider ---for me --341 ml.

Hagar.      the metric NUT.

PS : hope I get to Seattle for the july 4   fire works   ----just love fire works.

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