[Vwdiesel] Hillbilly Tuning ---( The Dream Team ---Cecil and Hagar )

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Sat Jul 9 20:23:27 EDT 2005

Dream ?    yes it will never happen.  ----BUT it could have.

Hagar has studied this forums Archive and talked to members to the point that He earned a
Ph.D. in Rabbit fixing. bloody near  ---Lets get to Cecil. ----- Who was Cecil ?  ---- I
did not get to now my dad until I was a Radio-Ham   in about  1949 or  1950  .   But as it
turned out he had a friend who was a Ham --and totally blind from birth. ---Cecil was born
blind BUT his sensitivity to sound was ---well GENIUS type   he could tell frequency and
all kinds of things --with his EARS.

As luck had it he was born into a family with more money than Carter has little liver
pills.  ---so his favorite hangout was a seedy bar downtown Copenhagen. -Then on Sundays
he would be Organist in a Big Church.
His hearing and Hagars knowledge of VW diesel Rabbits ? ---a DREAM team ---read my lips.
So did I test Cecils hearing  ability ?  --sure did ----with instruments.

In Denmark blind people wore a yellow armband with 3 black dots and a cane. And sure as
hell in a sleaze bar --there would be scumbags stealing a blind guys beer when he goes to
the men's room ?   sure as hell.
The guy is blind and well dressed ?--why not ?.----Did not work too well if it was Cecil's
beer. ---if there was a drop missing when he got back --he would know. ---- every time he
took a zip he blew gently across the top of the bottle --and he would know if someone had
fooled with his brew.

I never did find out how he handled high voltage ---my sight was OK --BUT I still got burn
marks on my hands.----and one finger  index on my right hand that goes pure white in the
cold. The one I stuck across a 2 micro-farad  capacitor 2000 volts.DC.
Cecil would be able to tell me if a valve was late opening or a belt was slipping or idle
speed was too high.
OR the turbo is slowing down. ----Mind-blowing the sensitivity of Cecil's hearing I tell
you ---I was there.------------and when HE played the Piano ? WOW   you know it was doing
its stuff---and he could not see a thing.---He was a bit like Horowitz when he played.
Do I Hagar knows when I meet a sweet sounding diesel ?---Yes  ---but not even close to
what Cecil could hear.---He would say shit Hagar  -for Christ sakes adjust those valves.
#4 is way out. And I would say Cecil  --they are good for 2000 more clicks ---and HE would
say shit Hagar why did you bother me ? EH ?
And I Hagar would buy the BEER ---jepper.

 PS : and we drank a lot of BEER   except my DAD he never had more than one. After all my
Dad was sort of  eyes for Cecil.

Cecil told me HIS dream was to stand on the sidewalk when a Grand Piano was dropped from
the roof of a high rise. -----some DREAM.

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