[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 176 ----( The Rye bread --the VW Transporter ? )

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Wed Jul 13 22:05:45 EDT 2005

NO Vehicle of my generation was more important to the "Hippie" and the low cost
contractors and shipping guys ----than the  VW   "Rye Bread" .

The Hippies that came North ---and the draft dodgers from the war in Nam ---just loved
that thing.
The creativity of the Girls  was something to behold---WOW.   Gives me a warm feeling all
over just to remember.------they were NOT the outcast of society IMHO  --they were the
real brains. -----they were the    Gypsies   ----of my time.
I personally drove a lot of miles in one of those things----No passing is right --but I
was being paid --EH + --Jep.   It had a two piece front window. And a small 4
ylinder  --1200cc? in the back----and it worked without fail in my time.---Poor little
thing we drove the piss out of it ?----,.
The Hippies outfitted the things like a home with chimney and all.-----interesting
people --the ones that I met.----a lot were my superiors --intellectually---for sure.
So Rolf like his Eurovan ?    --I do not blame him. ---NOT to imply that he is a hippie.

I think I shall finish  Cold Mountain   ---so I am gone. (my kind of film).


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