[Vwdiesel] Oil Filters and Dr. Seuss.---- ( I like Suess for grown ups )

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Fri Jul 15 12:44:25 EDT 2005

This is Cat in the Hat (Rabbit?)  stuff..------I call the black stuff  " ZOOT.".----- my
life is full of  "ZOOT" tales.

But never till I stumbled in here did I linger on the stuff---I saw it as a normal thing
in VW Diesels.------BUT     when Val Christian said it was ABRASIVE -----it was like
somebody slapping my face.

NOW I pay attention  -----in the OLD days ZOOT was soft and of little abrasive concern.

Esso Mobil   say that The NEW  type ZOOT is very different. -- it is HARD   and abrasive-
BUT WHY?-----    here I quote EssoMobil  " Why today's soot particles are more abrasive.
more damaging than yesterday's- "     end of Q.    They then go on to explain the problem.

In a condensed version ?  -----Direct injection and high injection pressures  --is the

A full explanation will follow.----some day.         ---This is where BUNNY BONDO really
shines ----a SWIRLCHAMBER injection system.----nice soft fluffy ZOOT. -----but right NOW ?
she shows that ZOOT can be avoided.---That is RIGHT---so little soot it does not make the
Lube black ---now that to me is something on a 20 year old girl ----Running that engine
SUPER LEAN.----did it.
It cleaned up the TURBO   --it cleaned the engine. ---I said it ad nausea   --DO BLOTTER
test regularly to monitor how the engine is performing. ----you are all welcome to test
Bunny Bondo any time----BUT I will ask slowbirds to verify.
And NO a full flow oil filter will NOT do the trick on a Rabbit.     In my youth it was
called   LAMP BLACK ------or   whatever ---and it was used in inks and all kinds of
Frankly I find it difficult to concentrate on this ---I am listening to C-span1   on the
problems at GITMO   ---I am an OLD warrior (NATO)    and WAR2  terrorist. --So I shall
finish this some other time.


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