[Vwdiesel] Fuel 101 -- Hydrogen. ( chapter # 2. of Hagars Hydrogen Harley )

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Sat Jul 16 12:22:21 EDT 2005

( The exclusive three " H " club. )H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Thu May 26 12:44:38 EDT 2005

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----- Original Message -----
From: H . Hagar.
To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2005 7:24 AM
Subject: Fuel 101 Hydrogen "H" and "D" ------ ( The exclusive three " H " club. )

The following  SAGA is pure gospel   ATMU    and memory  the way the Lord gave
me the ability to see it.

A SAGA   from an old Soldier and Tinkerer about to fade away.

May have to be told in chapters due to my failing health.    . So this is chapter # 1.
(the gathering FUN).


During the dasterdly unjust unacceptable  military attack on Egypt  by a coalition of
Israel ,England and France. in 1956   I was in NATO   stationed in Copenhagen Denmark.
The year was about  1956.  ----- During the bombing  the  Sues canal was  totally  blocked
by sunken ships. -----Ups hot dam there goes oils-upply to England and Denmark.

Instant rationing   ----no skylarking  (flyboy talk) ----    No problem in Denmark  we
still had a supply of coupons from last time. And there was oils for the pedal bikes.

So how did Hagar the experimenter cope ??????      ----with a big grin and Bear it.

Enter the "HARLEY"     ----god I love those things.


PS :   Stay TUNED.   ----(and now I own two Yamaha  650 cc twins --  Hers and His.  Hers
with 8 ply truck tires ). (Gavrik do NOT mention the Truck tires to Louanne --OK?)

Chapter # 2. (Da HYDROGEN)  :     In 1956 there was a conspiracy guy on every
corner ---Standard Oil
buying up the patent on the 100 Mpg carburetor. So there was a lot of talk about splitting
Water to make HYDROGEN. In Denmark crude went first to the Kitchen in the form of
Kerosene --in 1 litre bottles.--NOT TAXED. Highly refined stuff. The Harley had 3
tanks --A main gasoline tank --a Reserve gasoline tank and --an OIL tank.SO?   well I
filled the Main tank with Kerosene and the spare with Gasoline.Start on Gasoline and with
a warm motor I switched to Kerosene.It ran like a dream. Hagar did a lot of Harley
riding ---Girlfriend on back seat (Ann Poulsen )In the summer of 1956 the main tank sprung
a leak --drip drip on the HOT cylinders. ---No problemo just keep trucking on Gasoline. ?
NEIN ---the baffle plate in tank broke loose and rattled like hell. NO problemo
? ---JAH ---Fill tank with Wasser.Drip drip would be extra cooling ? Jah ? ---jawohl.Very
big ESSO station on highway -we drive up to the pump --young boy comes running (its
Sunday) gas nozzle in hand. Haggard sez NEIN --Wasser you dumkopf. Boy looked like he had
bin struck by lightening Nozzle in hand he looks at Harley and starts studdering ----BUT
BUT but sir it is Air-cooled.--------To be continued ---Jah ?---aber natuerlisch..

Hagar .

PS : Do NOT play too much on the Gospel thing ?--OK ? Jah.--und use your German
spellchecker. and send me a copy.

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