[Vwdiesel] Over Heating problem 86 Golf NA

Tony Boucher cdn_borne at hotmail.com
Mon Jul 18 09:14:44 EDT 2005

On the weekend, I replaced the RAD (86 Golf). I had an over heating problem. 
After replacing it, it started to over heat. there was still no coolant 
returning to the expansion bottle.

I removed the thermostat. It didn't help.  ( No heat from the heater either)

Finally I bled the system by releasing air from the hose coming out of the 
top of the block. The temp is down now. it ranges from below the LED to just 
a touch on the LED.
I checked the thermostat in a pot on the stove, It is opening around 185F. 
(It is a 180F) I will put it back in after.

However, there is still no coolant returning to the overflow. The coolant in 
the tank does warm up however.

The only other thing I can think of is the water pump?

Any other ideas?

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