[Vwdiesel] Kate and Leopold ? -NEIN ---( Kate und Hagar --JAH ? )

William A. Thompson twogreek at hotmail.com
Fri Jul 22 20:13:00 EDT 2005

----- Original Message -----
From: "H . Hagar." <h_hagar at prcn.org>
To: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Friday, July 22, 2005 4:23 PM
Subject: [Vwdiesel] Kate and Leopold
? -NEIN ---( Kate und Hagar --JAH ? )

> Incidentally how is your computer these days?
> Mine has been playing up so badly recently  and
has been on such a
> downwards spiral for  a yr! that I nearly threw
it. Reformatting
> worked for a few days; but then the error
> Fatal Exception OE @ 0028:C0005338 in VXD
VMM(01) ...
> Anyway I heard a rumour that cleaning the fan
might help...
> Opened her up last week and there was 5 years of
dust inside forming
> a blanket 1/2" thick over everything.  Its been
a week now and its
> like a new computer...
> Miser

> As far as DUST in Puter is concerned ?  ---clean
and clean and clean again. . I use a
> toothpick and a vacuum on the processor.---A
good blast is better but this place is dust
> from asshole to breakfast. -----so I use that
BIG BIG shopvac I got.---Keep your Rabbit
> head and your processors COOL---got it ?.
> Hagar.
Anything that keeps the 'puter warmer than
necessary can/will
eventually cause errors and meltdowns. Studies
indicate that
for each sustained 10 degrees (F) warmer you loose
half the
life of components in a compounded(?) fashion. (20
degrees reduces
life to 1/4.) I blow all of mine out at least once
a year.

Be careful of using brushes ... and especially
vacuum cleaners ... they tend to introduce chip
static charges.

Another thing that can cause worrisome errors is
(light corrosion) on the interface between
electrical connections.
While I am blowing dust out I unplug/replug every
connector ...
and pull all socketed chips and reseat. The
"scraping" action of
doing so helps to clean the connections. Expansion
boards that
occupy slots need to be pulled and reinserted
several times and
a soft (pencil) eraser used on the boards'
contacts for good measure.
Don't touch contacts ... body oils contain other
things that corrode

Adding extra case fans ... and one right on top of
the video chip
is often needed for those 'puters that are pushed
hard graphically.

I too thank the technology gods for spell


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