[Vwdiesel] smaller (k14-ECOdiesel) vs. larger (is it k24? normal 1.6td)

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Sat Jul 23 01:42:49 EDT 2005

Above 12 the BOV goes off.  
Anyone know of an adjustable BOV that will fit the jetta manifold?

  As I understand it most of them have a small amount of a screw 
adjustment.  It'll only get you into the 12 to 13psi range as I recall.  
To go beyond that you need to remove the screw, put in a spacer 
(something like a 1/4" of copper tubing or such.)  Then reinsert the 
screrw and adjust the boost pressure.
  For those without an intercooler I wouln't really bother doing this. 
 Of course first you have to increase the boost.  Once you get above 
about 9 or 10 psi you're pushing well over 300F with 50F ambient!

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