[Vwdiesel] Starting problems # 2 . --- ( mind affecting MATTERS ? ).

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Wed Jul 27 17:30:13 EDT 2005

Really ?  --- bet your sweet ass sez Hagar.  ---- Got addicted to Tabakko in 1939  ----at
Christmas ---- and smoked like a chimney ever after---enter the Bensen Gyrocopter. and
Bob Bambrick of Bambrick Freight services of Galiano --yes a blatant PLUG.

Bob Bambrick talked me in to going to a show by Reveen --the hypnotist .   In the Old
Orpheum theater in Vancouver BC. Kanada.----That was about 1964 ----and Hagar wound up on
stage performing ---.
Now Reveen said we do NOT pay performers ----BUT if you stay AFTER the show ? --downstairs
?---I shall cure you of bedwetting smoking and fear of the dentist.------------- 1964 to
2005 and NO smoking ? ---that should settle that question ? ---JAH ?

SO  ?  if the mind can cure addiction ?   ----it can make you FIX a diesel -- say I.--Jah
?---bet your sweet ass.

NO it does NOT work for everybody ----BUT for Hagar ?   ---bet your sweet ass.
Camarade Polka by  Walteufel played by Czoslovaks is on right now ---so there goes a
handful of nails popping out of the stupid plywood floor.


PS:  I should have asked Reveen about TOW TRUCK  paranoia. And Loren the crazy sister
Lenora promissed to lend me her book Dr. Seuss. ---all she has to do is find it ?  ---eh ?
JAH ? ---has she got books or what ?.-------do NOT tell her that I still have her
book ---Charlie Brown   ---the big BIG one.
I mean  PEANUTS.      ---- A Golden Celebration ----WOW ---- The art and the story of the
WORLDS   ---best loved comic strip.----Schultz.      Hows about that Roger Brown ?.
Does Hagar enjoy Comics ?  ---immensely   even Andy Capp.----and Storm P. and on and on.
Micky Mouse ? ---come on.

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