[Vwdiesel] Rabbit drppings # 180 --- ( lift-off in 7 minutes )
H . Hagar.
h_hagar at prcn.org
Wed Jul 27 23:32:29 EDT 2005
Does Hagar knows shit about ---- these things ? ---judge for yourself. ---My advice and
suggestions are in writing and goes back a long way. --- a LONG LONG way to about
1945.----The fancy Spitfire took off Engine stops ? could have hit my bedroom. ---turns
upside down ----A very high Mk number with counter rotating props.-----Out of Fuel on
take off ? ---I say dip tanks every time. Then Princess Grace of Monaco is killed on take
off in a DC-3 at Kastrup (my airport)--WHY ? control locks on tails were left on ----red
streamer left flying from Elevators. ----Hagar learn a trick or two. In 1963 Hagar is
thumbing to Vancouver BC on a DC-3 --PWA I think ----We taxi out to end of 27 ready for
take-off----Hagar wound up climbing out and removing control locks on tail----Hagar could
have gone the way of the Princess. ----Things like that makes you smarten up
FAST.----AIRLINERS ? leaving the locks on ?----bet your sweet ass. -----covering up ?
bet your sweet ass. Then there was the Gimli Glider ---totally STUPID.---- NOT a mistake
or ignorance ---STUPIDITY. 767 with 2 engines flaming out ? and NO header tank for APU
? ---Boeing STUPIDITY. ----yes MR BOEING I Hagar will tell you right to your face----and I
tried.-----BUT you was NOT listening.
Lets jump years ahead to the Shuttle and the "O" ring ? ok ? --Jah ? STUPID.----Then Ms.
Hamm ? stupid STUPID ---she had no hands on experience IMHO -- so she has a degree in
MATH ? --and she is in charge ? STUPID. ---The tiles falling off was well known ---BUT
she diddles and dallies --away precious time (16 days) ---when things could have been
FIXED. ----Worst part was I sat here in REAL time listening to Houston calling ---and NO
answer. ----Within 30 seconds I knew what the problem was. ----Blame that one on NASA and
Ms. Hamm. Say I -----Hamm call me any time ---and I shall be happy to tell you what you
should have done.---- This last liftoff ? Haggard said NEVER risk anybody on a first
flight (test-flight) but minimum crew ---or you are STUPID dumb or NOT concerned about
life --?.
As you all can see Hagar was right ? ---sensors were not 100% ----and chunks fell off on
take off .
So what is it that makes Hagar know ? ----Hell if I know.-------Magic and Wizardry I guess
? ---Insight ? --- in my mind it is LOTS of EXPERIENCE. ----and I am NOT dead.
PS : I told the guy in Chandler AZ that if it looks like a land-mine ---IT IS A
MINE --until I say it is NOT.-----He agreed.----He was making Scorpions and Execs or
something at Rotorway.
Four Scouts killed ? ---STUPID ---- and this is at an ARMY Base ? that is even worse.
Hagar say's NEVER NEVER NEVER use metal poles ---use Glass poles. and ladders. -----or
NEVER METAL. -----anywhere close to lines. ----Makes me sick.------a scout ? OK a leader
? NO.
Does Hagar really speak up ? or just blabber ? -----I talked to a Stunt-Pilot Hughes
something and told him that IMHO --having a wing-walker on top and flying close to the
runway ---was too dangerous.----he said in an article in a flying Magazine that those OLD
WW2 retreads did not know nothing. ? He killed the wing-walker on the very next
Show.---STUPID BASTARD. ----He did have the most beautiful Steersman----Red I think I ever
saw ---immaculate maintenance.
I talked to an OLD home-builder at Delta Airpark BC and told him that his landing was NOT
right ---that is after watching him a number of times.----yes HE died.---the next day.
Being an OLD flyboy ---is a great help in TUNING Rabbit diesels ----let me tell you all.
A Ham and a Flyboy --and a diesel Mechanic --? NOW that would be a good
combination. --JAH ?.
We may just have one here ? ---LETS SMOKE him out of the garage---- JAH ?-
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